If you have an iPod Touch (for example, iPod Touch 4), you might know that it’s more or less like an iPhone without the capability of making phone calls. You might wonder: how nice would it be if I can make phone calls from my iPod Touch? Yes, since an iPod Touch is much cheaper than an iPhone, if it can be used as a phone, you will definitely save a lot of money.
你想让你的 iPod Touch 变成 iPhone 手机,可以用来打电话吗?
Actually, this can be done. You can really turn an iPod Touch into an iPhone if you have the right equipments. Currently, as far as I know, there’re two major options for turning an iPod into an iPhone:
目前让 iPod Touch 变 iPhone 手机主要有两种办法。
Option 1: Apple Peel 方法 1:使用“苹果皮”。
An Apple Peel looks like a regular iPhone case, but it’s a little bigger and you can insert a SIM card into it. Once you have connected your iPod to an Apple Peel (just like putting a case around your iPod touch) and have downloaded and installed some software, you will be able to use it like an iPhone! The drawback of Apple Peel is that it looks bigger and thicker than a regular iPhone.
If you’re interested in buying an Apple Peel, you can try finding it on Taobao.com: Click here to search for Apple Peel on Taobao.com
“苹果皮”就像一个 iPhone 套子,但“苹果皮”可以装入 SIM 卡,然后经过越狱和安装适当软件之后,你的 iPod Touch 就可以像 iPhone 一样打电话了。“苹果皮”的缺点是体积较大,装上“苹果皮”的 iPod Touch 看起来比一般的 iPhone 体积大,有些笨重。
Option 2: Gmate 方法 2:使用 Gmate
Unlike Apple Peel, a Gmate is a stand-alone equipment that connects to your iPod Touch using bluetooth technology. You don’t have to connect your iPod Touch to Gmate directly. Instead, as long as your iPod Touch can communicate with your Gmate using bluetooth, you will be able to make phone calls on your iPod Touch. You can insrt a SIM card inside a Gmate, and you must download and install some software on your iPod Touch. As a matter of fact, Gmate can be used not only for iPod Touch, you can use it with your iPhone (or an Android phone) so that you can have two numbers at the same time with one phone.
If you’re interested in buying a Gmate, you can try finding it on Taobao.com: Click here to search for Gmate on Taobao.com.
Gmate 不需要和 iPod Touch 直接连接,而是通过蓝牙连接。Gmate 本身体积不大,可以插入 SIM 卡。在 iPod Touch上安装适当软件后,你就可以用它像 iPhone 一样打电话了。此外,Gmate 还可以用在 iPhone 和 Android 手机上,让你的手机可以实现“一卡双号”。
如果要购买 Gmate 的话,可以到“淘宝网”找一找:Gmate 的淘宝链接